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About this site

Hi there!

Laurianne Sumerset writing, the webmistress and author of most of the reviews on this site.

I live in Thailand and am working as an English teacher for a small school on the outskirts of Bangkok.

I"m holding an M.A. in Applied Linguistics and TESOL from NYU.

I love to travel and love to immerse myself in other foreign cultures. was built and is designed with the language learner in mind.

I have discovered the potential of computer-based language learning tools when traveling and working abroad, and through various CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning) projects. I adapted early to the trend of technical-based training and see lots and lots of benefits in it.

After finishing my studies I decided to travel the world, and began to look for a way to attend classes while on the road. Language learning software was the best choice at that moment. Online classes followed, which is still one of the biggest trends nowadays. Mobile learning became more and more convenient and technically possible with all the next generation mobile devices on the market right now. So I have decided to review those programs on my own, helping professionals, students, and teachers to find the best suited program for their needs.

I"m committed to write honest "no-fluff" reviews that focus on my own, real experiences of each product. Also, my technical helper in the background (Thanks Mark) assisted me to create this (hopefully) user-friendly site. Graphics are developed with load time as a priority (one of my personal requirements for a website nowadays).

I hope you found what you were looking for. If not, please don"t hesitate and contact me.

To do so, please use the email address published on my contact page here.

Thank you for visiting my site, and happy language learning experiences ahead!




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